Available 2 Aug-Common Room/Single Occupancy/no Owner Staying/No Agent Fee/Cooking allowed/Orchard Mrt /  Somerset MRT/Newton MRT - Somerset 索美塞 - 分租房间 - Homates 新加坡Available 2 Aug-Common Room/Single Occupancy/no Owner Staying/No Agent Fee/Cooking allowed/Orchard Mrt /  Somerset MRT/Newton MRT - Somerset 索美塞 - 分租房间 - Homates 新加坡Available 2 Aug-Common Room/Single Occupancy/no Owner Staying/No Agent Fee/Cooking allowed/Orchard Mrt /  Somerset MRT/Newton MRT - Somerset 索美塞 - 分租房间 - Homates 新加坡Available 2 Aug-Common Room/Single Occupancy/no Owner Staying/No Agent Fee/Cooking allowed/Orchard Mrt /  Somerset MRT/Newton MRT - Somerset 索美塞 - 分租房间 - Homates 新加坡Available 2 Aug-Common Room/Single Occupancy/no Owner Staying/No Agent Fee/Cooking allowed/Orchard Mrt /  Somerset MRT/Newton MRT - Somerset 索美塞 - 分租房间 - Homates 新加坡
SGD $ 1200
Available 2 Aug-Common Room/Single Occupancy/no Owner Staying/No Agent Fee/Cooking allowed/Orchard Mrt /  Somerset MRT/Newton MRT - Somerset 索美塞 - 分租房间 - Homates 新加坡Available 2 Aug-Common Room/Single Occupancy/no Owner Staying/No Agent Fee/Cooking allowed/Orchard Mrt /  Somerset MRT/Newton MRT - Somerset 索美塞 - 分租房间 - Homates 新加坡Available 2 Aug-Common Room/Single Occupancy/no Owner Staying/No Agent Fee/Cooking allowed/Orchard Mrt /  Somerset MRT/Newton MRT - Somerset 索美塞 - 分租房间 - Homates 新加坡Available 2 Aug-Common Room/Single Occupancy/no Owner Staying/No Agent Fee/Cooking allowed/Orchard Mrt /  Somerset MRT/Newton MRT - Somerset 索美塞 - 分租房间 - Homates 新加坡Available 2 Aug-Common Room/Single Occupancy/no Owner Staying/No Agent Fee/Cooking allowed/Orchard Mrt /  Somerset MRT/Newton MRT - Somerset 索美塞 - 分租房间 - Homates 新加坡

Available 2 Aug-Common Room/Single Occupancy/no Owner Staying/No Agent Fee/Cooking allowed/Orchard Mrt / Somerset MRT/Newton MRT

304 Orchard Road, Lucky Plaza, #09-03, Singapore 238863


地区 Somerset 索美塞
物业类别 分租房间 出租
入住日期 7月2日起
物业地址 304 Orchard Road, Lucky Plaza, #09-03, Singapore 238863
住房间隔 6房1厅
实用面积 实用面积 100 平方尺
  • 禁止抽煙
  • 禁止养宠物
  • 禁止孩子
租金 SGD 1200 /月
按金 按金 1200 个月
租约期 6 个月
入住日期 7月2日起


Available 2 Aug-Common Room/Single Occupancy/no Owner Staying/No Agent Fee/Cooking allowed/Orchard Mrt /  Somerset MRT/Newton MRT
Lucky Plaza Apartment RM4
Address: 304 Orchard Road, Lucky Plaza, #09-03, Singapore 238863
Orchard Road, 238863, Orchard / River Valley (D09)

Price: $1200 SGD 

- Shared Wi-Fi in house for general usage
- 2 times cleaning of common area monthly
- For minor repairs, takes up to to weeks and free of charge. If you can do it on your own and pay on the spot. 
- Tenant WA weekday support 

. Utilities capped at $80 monthly per person

For more rooms availability, please click here and contact us now for more info. https://bit.ly/3r9HlW3

Amenities: wifi, bed, washing machine, aircon, closet, shared toilet, cooking allowed, fridge, non-smoking, visitors allowed, no owner staying, no pet, no agent fee.

The property is reachable through Orchard Road, Bideford Road as well as Scotts Road. It is located near numerous public amenities like learning institutions, shopping malls, bus stops, MRT stations and recreational facilities. Below the residential units, there are commercial lots, retail shops, restaurants and a food court.

Nearest MRT
Orchard MRT
Somerset MRT
Newton MRT
Lucky Plaza - Amenities & Attractions

Dining near Lucky Plaza : Food Courts; Mc Donald’s; Pizza Hut

Shopping near Lucky Plaza: Paragon Shopping Complex; Wisma Atria Shopping Complex; CK Tangs Department Store; 

Schools and Education near Lucky Plaza: ISS International Schools; Overseas Family School (OFS); Eton House International

Mr Henry: +65 9825 7931


  • 禁止抽煙

  • 禁止养宠物

  • 禁止孩子




  • 空调

  • 桌椅

  • 洗衣机

  • 冰箱

  • 网络




注册成为会员以联络 Mr Henry
