About Homates

Homates is an international flatshare platform

Homates focus on assisting people to find their own flatshare to improve their living quality by living in a big flat with fantastic roommates. Skyrocket rise of rental price in major cities around the world, we believe flatshare will become one of the major living solutions in the future. We welcome people who are willing to share with roommates to use our platform and find their ideal Home-sharing roommates (Homates)!

In Homates platform, you can interact with both flat host and tenant users. Hosts can post their flat and actively recommend their flat to tenants with matched rental requirement. Roommates can introduce themselves to other roommates so as to increase the successful rate of finding a nice flatshare.

Fantastic flats with affordable prices
Homates is full of fantastic flats with affordable prices. Feel free to choose your beloved one!

Find your ideal "Homates"
Homates is full of roommates too. We are sure your will find your perfect match!

Direct interaction between host and tenant
Hosts could actively recommend flats to tenants whose requirement matches.

Useful tips

In Homates, thousands of fantastic flats are waiting for you.

Draw attention from others
Since many people are looking for great flat and nice flatmate, you have to stand out from the others in order to get the best offer. The best way is to create a detailed personal profile. A clear and good looking profile picture as well as a well written personal description would increase your credibility. Homates also reward you with a higher listing ranking.
Post your room request

When you choose the location of the flat, you have to make sure that you have picked all the interested location. The more you have picked, the easier you can be searched in the listing and you will have a higher chance for successful matching.

Introduce yourself to hosts
Don’t just wait for hosts to contact you. Typically, hosts get used to be contacted rather than contact tenants. Remember, hosts have to meet many potential tenants before finishing a deal. Therefore, you should not only contact one host, you should schedule several flat visitings at a time.

Request flat visits
When you ask for the condition of the property, you should be polite. Don’t forget to ask for a flat visiting and the flatmates information (if any.) Sometimes, hosts may not be able to deal with lots of enquiry in a short time, please be patience.

Keep safe
If you afraid to visit the flat alone, you are welcomed to ask a friend to come with you.

Frequently asked questions

If you need help, please read through the following frequently asked questions first.

If you cannot find your answer here, you can contact us.

How to edit my personal information?

To edit, pause or activate your profile, you can login your account and sesarch for the button “modify”, “deactivate” and “reactivate.”

How to get the satisfaction guarantee from Homates?

If you are Premium and failed to find flatshare, Satisfaction guarantee would be activated once the Premium period ends. If your Premium membership is not extended automatically and you think that you are eligible for free extension, please contact our customer service officer by email: infohomates@gmail.com

I need tenancy advices

Homates does not provide individual advice services. If you need more information on tenancy, you can go to here.

How to report abuse users?

You can find a report button in the roommate/flat listing page.

My payment is not successful

Some Ad blockers can interference with the payment system. Try to disable the ad blocker, and make another payment. Also, make sure your browser and operating system has been updated to the latest version. If it still fails, please contact us

I found a bug

If you encountered bug or problem, please contact us immediately. You can also state what kind of device and operating system you are using to help us solve the problem effectively.

You are encouraged to send us a screenshot so that we can get a deeper understanding of that problem.

If you cannot find your answer here, you can contact us by infohomates@gmail.com

Our team will service your from 1000 to 1800 everyday.

How it works?



你必需在刊登出租廣告後,才可以尋找室友。 一個吸引人的廣告需要包括清晰的照片、該房間的資料及其他室友的簡單描述。 您只需要按指示填寫廣告表格,便可以成功創建您的廣告。

室友/住房徵求廣告能讓別人知道你正在尋找一個室友/住房。 您的個人資料應包括你的生活方式,個性和你喜歡的住房。 將個人照片添加到您的個人資料會增強你的廣告效果, 您的廣告將會把你在室友搜索列表的前端。您只需要按指示填寫廣告表格, 便可以成功創建您的廣告。

當你創建廣告後,是時候開始搜尋,請積極主動的去尋找室友或住房。 因為最好的房間和室友是很受歡迎的,慢了可能就錯過機會了。 你可以搜索列表中的篩選工具,提高搜尋效率。

合租的訊息流轉很快,廣告的投放時間平均持續10-14天, 有的甚至在數小時內就找到。為了確保你得到最新的房間和室友訊息, 我們會向您發送電郵提示,您可以調整或關閉電郵提示。

如果你看到你喜歡的房源,或者您認為是完美的室友,請確保您已先閱讀他們的詳細資料, 然後向他們發送訊息。您的訊息應該包括自我介紹,說明為什麼你對房間/室友感興趣, 為什麼你覺得你會非常適合他們。記住,你需要從其他成員詢問脫穎而出,所以讓內容有趣一點。

如果你直接通過電話直接聯繫對方,請告知他們您是從Homates看到訊息。 我們亦建議您給他們發送您的個人訊息廣告,方便他們找到您。

有些用戶會收到大量的查詢,所以不要期望每位用戶都會回覆您的訊息。 為了避免不必要的失望,請不要只是向一位用戶發送消息, 請確保您有向所有合適的用戶發送消息。如果一切順利的話, 那麼你將會有很多選擇。

在你做出任何金錢支付之前,請先看房或跟室友見面。 如果你不能親自約見,我們建議您先在Skype或FaceTime進行視頻通話。 在尋找合適室友的時候,不要忘記問一下對方的生活方式, 生活習慣,工作和愛好。如果你有一個房間的幾人感興趣, 請盡量安排單獨會面。如果需要更改見面時間, 請您有禮貌地通知對方,取消或重新安排參觀。

找到合適的人或地方後,一定要明確告訴他們,您願意租住/合租。 在您處理租務之前,建議您先閱讀我們的租房注意事項, 以了解更多有關租房的事情。

Post your flat


你在刊登租屋廣告前,必需填寫您的個人資料。您的個人資料應該包括清晰的照片, 最新的信息和已入住室友的資料。找到一個合適的人是住房及室友配對的成功關鍵, 因此請確保您寫清楚自己願意跟甚麼人合租。

如果在您的租屋廣告頁面顯示「待處理」,代表你的廣告將會被進行審查, 以確保訊息安全。請耐心等待,我們承諾將很快會被通過。

不要只是等待別人聯繫,我們有過千的潛在室友用戶,可供搜索和聯繫。 我們不會對您的可聯繫數量進行限制。請記住,很多用戶會選擇同時參觀多個住房, 才會選定一個地方。所以,不要把所有的希望寄託在一個地方,盡量安排多位候選租客看房。

讓你的租客參觀租房及跟他們坐下聊天,了解一下對方。 不要讓參觀者感到被忽略,每一次最好只讓一個室友參觀是最理想的。 安排大約30分鐘的時間,讓參觀者能看清楚住房狀況和了解其他室友。 要了解更多關於如何安排看房,可參考這篇文章。

How to contact others?


我們內置的訊息系統,讓你可以安心地跟室友/房東聯絡, 您的個人訊息將會被保密。不論基本會員或星級會員, 您都可以透過訊息系統收到來自其他人的訊息, 但只有星級會員才能回覆訊息。

升級後的會員,可以查看其他用戶的電話號碼。 而您的手機號碼會在你的廣告被自動刊出。如果你不想刊登手機號碼, 你可以在帳戶設置取消刊登。

*** 以下為新版本政策更動 (2021年5月6日起生效)

在聯繫對方之前,請先閱讀詳細對方的訊息。 您的發的訊息應該包括是你的自我介紹, 你為什麼對該住房感興趣,為什麼你覺得你適合。 記住,你需要爭取到對方的注意,所以盡量令內容真實及有趣。

每當你收到Homates的訊息,你會收到一封電郵通知。 電郵內會提供一個鏈接,讓你一點擊就到達訊息介面, 馬上回覆對方,確保您不會錯過任何一個機會。

有時候是需要耐心等待。用戶未必每天到登入Homates搜尋租屋, 所以​​不會很即時能夠給予回覆。請記住,某些廣告,特別是在熱門的租房地區, 用戶可能會收到大量的郵件,因此回覆可能需要較長時間時間。 有時候,當其他用戶誰覺得你不適合,他們會選擇不回覆訊息。我們鼓勵所有用戶, 無論對方合適與否,都向對方回覆結果。

What is Teamups?


有時,您雖然看到理想的住房,但是自己無法承擔租金。 所以尋找其他室友合租可能是最好的解決辦法。Teamups 組隊租屋, 您可以跟隊友共享搜索、查看和決策內容,找到兩人的一起能負擔的住房。


搜尋室友: 在室友列表,您可以尋找跟你有相同興趣、愛好、生活方式或 和找同區住房的室友組隊租屋吧。

聯繫對方: 向您覺得合適的室友發送訊息,邀請他Teamup,同時說明你為何想跟他組隊找租房。 不是每個人都會回應您或同意Teamup。所以多邀請合適的室友Teamup才是最好的做法。 另外,請您你發送訊息盡量給人家可靠有趣的感覺,以增加別人對你的好感。

多了解對方: 與剛認識的候選室友要在合租前多了解對方, 確保大家都可以開心地生活在一起。約出來喝杯咖啡, 互相聊天,很快你就會知道,大家是否合得來。 如果大家目前都不在同一個地方,您可以使用Skype或FaceTime見面聊天。

找到屬於你的家: 當每個人都認可對方,就是時候找個租房了。Homates平台上經常有租屋出租, 所以要徹底地搜尋所有住房。另外,您們亦可找尋當地的地產經紀找租房。

Should I upgrade?

雖然Homates可免費使用,基本會員也有可能成功找到室友。 但是如果你想增加您的機會或加快搜尋配對速度, 升級星級會員一定可以幫助你。



*** 以下為新版本政策更動 (2021年5月6日起生效)